Equuleus.com provides technology solutions for your growing business.
We implement end-to-end systems that are tailored to address your specific business scenarios.
We will work ground up or tweak your existing system to provide maximum ROI and TTM.
We have several pricing models to suit your business needs.
You can hire us on a retainer basis or project pricing also you will be eligible for pricing discounts
You choose to prepay a block of 40 hours and get a discounted rate, we have a larger discounts for longer engagements.
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Agile Consulting
Equuleus enhances the complete lifecycle of product development, with all-inclusive solutions for implementing and scaling
Agile methodologies and software. The alignment of People, Processes and Technology solution
sets build and optimize a long-lasting framework for client growth.
Clients request an Agile Assessment from Equuleus when they are dissatisfied with the quickness, quality, or other aspects
of their product-development or service-delivery processes. The Assessment that Equuleus
delivers provides direction in the form of a narrative of the process that we trust will
best meet the client’s needs, along with a specific set of recommendations required to close
the gap between the current and preferred states.
Working side-by-side in small group or one-on-one interviews and workshops, an experienced Agile Coach will identify key
pain points within your current organization and processes, and gather ideas from your team
of what solutions they feel exist to respond to the pain points within your organizational
structure and culture. In addition, the Agile Coach will offer advice and a transformation
plan based on proven techniques and industry Best Practices.
An Advisory engagement is a short (most commonly, one-day) session dedicated to discussing a
client’s issues, and providing guidance on how to address these issues with Agile techniques
and processes. An Advisory engagement has no specific structure, but usually involves discussion
with a group of people, observing meetings or other activities, reviewing and advising on
how to write requirements, and so forth. The Consultant provides insights and advice on the
topics addressed during these meetings.
Advisory engagements typically only serve one or more of the following purposes:
Identifying which follow-on services (such as training) would be most appropriate for the client
Gathering insight into client needs to inform how we focus or emphasize certain topics during subsequent training
Giving practical guidance to the client about how to address the client’s issues
An Advisory engagement is a lightweight version of our Assessment engagement, in that it provides
better direction to clients about needs or issues. However, an Assessment has a specific
structure and produces pre-identified deliverables. An Advisory engagement has no such structure,
and does not produce any defined deliverables.
Our Agile Foundation Strategy Planning are interactive session(s) utilizing the findings from the Equuleus Assessment. Initial
sessions will be with key transformation leads to help determine necessary changes. It will
be an interactive collaborative session with the team involved in process and the Agile Transformation.
This session will help create the runway to improve and scale the Agile Transformation. The
Equuleus coaches will guide the options and recommend best practices for these plans. Ample
time will be available for discussion and planning. It is important to understand that the
Transition Backlog is not a plan, because it does not attempt to map the work items to a
timeline, or provide all necessary information about cost and resources required to conduct
a Transition. Creation of a complete Transition Plan, which would include cost, resource,
and other estimates, is a substantial effort, and one that is out of scope for these engagements.
The Transition Backlog is the set of requirements or work items that must be completed in order to kick off the new Scrum
process. The top-level Transition Backlog Items (Scrum Epics) are as follows:
Training Plan
Facilities Plan
Scrum Project Plan
Communication Plan
Tool Acquisition Plan
Transition Budget Plan
Process Development
Personnel Plan
Metrics & Reporting
Agile Consulting
Continuous Integration and Delivery
Continuous Integration is a fundamental best practice of modern software development. Learn how to set up an effective Continuous
Integration environment that will reduce integration issues, improve code quality, and improve
communication and collaboration between team members.
Continuous Integration and Delivery
Staff Augmentation
Whether you are looking to staff an interim leadership role or to tackle a key project, our experienced team of financial
and business systems consultants are available individually or on a team basis.